兰溪市宏宇工艺制品厂**设计生产销售礼品袋、饰品袋、雪纱袋、珍珠纱袋、无纺布袋、欧根纱袋、绒布袋等各种面料拉绳袋子。本着“质量** 客户至上”的宗旨,以低廉的价格、**的产品、完善的服务赢得客户的亲睐,产品**中国大陆、港澳台地区、欧美、日本、东南亚等20多个地区和地区。 Lanxi Hongyu Arts&Crafts Factory professionally design,produce and sell souvenir bags,grenn bags,non-woven bags,Ad bags,yarn bags of snow / European roots yarn bags, pearl yarn bag / Ko root yarn bags (glass yarn bag), jewelry bags, flannel bags and other fabrics have experience with years of gift bags production, have a certain influence on the industry. 'Quality first, the customer is supreme.'Our products are exported to more than 20 countries and production experience,low price,high quality and friendly service are favored by the..